About Us
Who we are
We are a group of men from different churches in Sequoyah County who meet for breakfast once a month, pray for our communities & nation, and engage in Christian fellowship. Our group also funds a billboard located at the east end of Sequoyah County on Highway 64 between Roland and Moffett.
What we believe
We believe that the Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God and that God has revealed himself through the person of Jesus Christ as revealed in holy scripture (The Bible). We believe that Jesus Christ was fully man and fully God, that he lived a perfect life and gave himself as a sacrifice for the sins of the world, so that all who put their faith in him and in his finished work might escape the punishment for sin which is eternal death in hell.
Our Mission
Our mission is the mission of every Christian and Gospel centered church which is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ by whatever means necessary. We want all men to know, that although we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glorious standard of holiness, that we can find hope in the Cross of Jesus Christ and that it is a free gift of grace given to us by God available to all who put their faith in Christ. One way we hope to accomplish this is by funding the billboard on the east end of Sequoyah County with positive messages about Christ and the Salvation that he offers to all of us.